At the age of 14, Vee attended Providence Center’s POWER afterschool program in 2011 and soon after became a Teen Leader. Vee’s compassion, contagious smile, and determination made her a great role model for our younger students. In fact, she inspired several younger students to become Teen Leaders in years to come.

“It’s like a home, but they still try to make you grow wings so you can fly other places. Because I feel like that’s what they always push me to do”. (Vee, age 19)

It did not take long before Vee would spread her wings and grow to be an intricate part of the Providence Center team. When she graduated from high school, Vee tookon the role of a Lead Teacher for our after-school program where she excelled and took on additional responsibilities in support of the families and children she served. At the age of 21, Vee was promoted to Program Coordinator, working to support Teen Leaders as well as working closely with our then Program Director, Maura Bernt.  

Today, Vee is a first-generation college graduate with a degree in Behavioral Health Counseling from Drexel University and a new mom of a beautiful baby girl. When asked about her time at Providence as a teen and young adult Veesaid, “Being a part of Providence Center gives me a sense of belonging. It has given me opportunities to connect with people, to reach my goals, and has always made me feel safe and secure. It’s important for everyone to find such an impactful environment to thrive and grow”.

Vee’s journey captures the importance of our youth development programming and the impact of having a safe space where children can express themselves.